Pull-IT Hip External Rotation


Position: Position your client in a prone position with Pull-IT fixed to clients ankle 5 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus. Advise the client to minimise movement of the pelvis when performing the testing. If needed the tester can help fix the pelvis in place with their own hands

Cues: "Push as fast and as hard as you can and hold for until I say stop after 3 seconds."


Step 1 - Position client in prone position.

Step 2 - Position client's knee at 90° of flexion.

Step 3 - Push the START button on the side of the body that you are testing.

Step 4 - Fix Pull-IT lateral to the client's leg 5 cm proximal to the lateral malleolus.

Step 5 - Ask client to push in an external rotation direction as fast and as hard as they can and until I say stop.

Step 6 - Rest for 3-5 seconds, repeat step 5 two more times.

Step 7 - Push STOP.

Step 8 - Repeat steps 2-7 on the other side.

Main Muscles: Gluteals, Obturator Internus/Externus, Piriformis, Gemellus Inferior/Superior.