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  2. Balance Test Protocols

Tandem Balance

Position: Client is standing on Stomp-IT in a tandem stance with their dominant leg forward on the Left Stomp-IT, hands on hips, and with eyes open.

Cues: "Stand as still as possible on both legs until I say stop"


Step 1 - Ask the client to start in a tandem stance with their dominant leg forward facing the Left Stomp-IT. (Note: If the client weight bears heavily through the rear foot the force trace may not display initially during the live recording but will become visible at the conclusion of the test).

Step 2 - Position their hands on hips with their eyes open (or eyes closed for closed variation) focusing on the wall or an object 1.5-2 metres away.

Step 3 - Push the START button

Step 4 - Ask the client to stand still until the countdown is complete.

Step 5 - The test recording will automatically stop at the end of the countdown.

Main assessment: Somatosensory and Control (eyes closed: Vestibular)